to kar mi privabi nasmeh na obraz

to kar mi privabi nasmeh na obraz

nedelja, 20. december 2009

Flora by Gucci

Vogue je novo dišavo opisal s temi besedami :
Gucci has a gorgeous new addition to its fragrance line, in the form of 'Flora'. Inspired by its iconic Flora pattern, this new feminine fragrance has top notes of fresh citrus and peony to accompany scents of Rose and Osmanthus flower, with a sweet base of Sandalwood and Patchouli, giving it a sophisticated twist on a traditional floral fragrance.

Je popolno darilo za nekoga, ki obožuje nežne parfume, ki poudarjajo čutnost, eleganco in prefinjenost. Njegov nežni vonj, se ne vsiljuje čutilom, raje počaka, da ga čutila sama zaznajo in poiščejo.
S časoma mogoče njegov vonj postane predomač ali pa premočan zato ga nekako ne priporočam za vsakdanjo uporabo, je pa vsekakor dobrodošel v svežih pomladni in poletnih dnevih.

sobota, 19. december 2009

nigella's recipe for chocolate cake


200g plain flour
200g caster sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
40g best-quality cocoa
175g soft unsalted butter
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons real vanilla extract
150ml sour cream
75g unsalted butter
175g best quality dark chocolate, broken into small pieces
300g icing sugar
1 tablespoon golden syrup
125ml sour cream
1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
sugar flowers, optional
Serving Size : Makes about 8 slices


1.Take everything out of the fridge so that all the ingredients can come to room temperature.
2.Preheat the oven to gas mark 4/180°C and line and butter two 20cm sandwich tins with removable bases.
3.Now all you have to do is put all the cake ingredients – flour, sugar, baking powder and bicarb, cocoa, butter, eggs, vanilla and sour cream – into a food processor
4.and process until you have a smooth, thick batter. If you want to go the long way around, just mix the flour, sugar and leavening agents in a large bowl and beat in the soft butter until you have a combined and creamy mixture. Now whisk together the cocoa, sour cream, vanilla and eggs and beat this into your bowl of mixture.
5.Divide this batter, using a rubber spatula to help you scrape and spread, into the prepared tins and bake until a cake tester, or a thin skewer, comes out clean, which should be about 35 minutes, but it is wise to start checking at 25. Also, it might make sense to switch the two cakes around in the oven halfway through cooking time.
6.Remove the cakes, in their tins, to a wire rack and let cool for 10 minutes before turning out of their tins. Don’t worry about any cracks as they will easily be covered by the icing later.
7.To make this icing, melt the butter and chocolate in a good-sized bowl either in the microwave or suspended over a pan of simmering water. Go slowly either way: you don’t want any burning or seizing.
8.While the chocolate and butter are cooling a little, sieve the icing sugar into another bowl. Or, easier still, put the icing sugar into the food processor and blitz. This is by far and away the least tedious way of removing lumps.
9.Add the golden syrup to the cooled chocolate mixture, followed by the sour cream and vanilla and then when all this is combined whisk in the sieved icing sugar. Or just pour this mixture down the funnel of the food processor on to the icing sugar, with the motor running.
10.When you’ve done, you may need to add a little boiling water – say a teaspoon or so – or indeed some more icing sugar: it depends on whether you need the icing to be runnier or thicker; or indeed it may be right as it is. It should be liquid enough to coat easily, but thick enough not to drip off.
11.Choose your cake stand or plate and cut out four strips of baking parchment to form a square outline on it (this stops the icing running on to the plate). Then sit one of the cakes, uppermost (ie slightly domed) side down.
12.Spoon about a third of the icing on to the centre of the cake half and spread with a knife or spatula until you cover the top of it evenly. Sit the other cake on top, normal way up, pressing gently to sandwich the two together.
13.Spoon another third of the icing on to the top of the cake and spread it in a swirly, textured way (though you can go for a smooth finish if you prefer, and have the patience). Spread the sides of the cake with the remaining icing and leave a few minutes till set, then carefully pull away the paper strips.
14.I love to dot the top of this with sugar pansies – and you must admit, they do look enchanting – but there really is no need to make a shopping expedition out of it. Anything, or indeed nothing, will do.

Enostavno obožujem Nigello in njene recepte. Karkoli skuha, speče, ustvari, naredi z lahkoto in te tudi prepriča, da je res lahko...
Z enim stavkom povzeto, Jamie ne sežeš ji niti do kolen =)

sobota, 14. november 2009

"Living In Twilight"

You look darkly on the day
With memories to light your way
A little sad but it's all right
We are always living in twilight

No one knocks upon your door
Until you don't care anymore
A little alone but it's all right
We are always living in twilight

Living in a dream, walking in between the sunrise and sunset
Living in a dream, walking in between sunset and sunrise

You get tied up in your day, so I let go and walk away
And now we're loose ends of the night
We are always living in twilight

So it goes, though no one knows you like they used to do
Have a drink the sky is sinking toward a deeper blue
And you're still all right
Step out into twilight

So I stumble home at night
Like I've stumbled through my life
With ghosts and visions in my sight
We are always living in twilight

nedelja, 30. avgust 2009

Ko bosta seks in kosmiči dobila pomen

Zadnjič sem brskala po spletu in naletela na zelo zanimivo kolumno. Govori o televiziji kot javni hiši in o suženjstvu katerega ponuja. Kolumna je bila res da prijetna za branje, vendar pod nobenim pogojem ne upošteva malih ljudi, delavnih ljudi za katere televizija polege vaških veselic pomeni edino zabavo. Ozrimo se na te preproste ljudi. Njihove žene so zanosile v rani mladosti in nikoli niso imele ne one, ne možje sami, možnosti za nadaljevanje izobrazbe. Ta možnost je prišla šele nekaj let za rojstvom njunega zadnjega otroka, vendar je želja po izobrazbi izpuhtela kot kapljica dežja, ki pade na vroč avgustovski dan. Nikoli niso dobili prefinjenosti, katero mora izžarevati vsaka izobražena osebnost. Za izobraženca je vrhunec zabave, kakšen zares odličen intervju, debata z znanimi Slovenci ali Zemljani ali pa res odličen dokumentarec o življenju v močvirju. Za navadno delavko, trgovca ali čistilko pa Naša mala klinika pomeni sprostitev, smeh po napornem dnevu v trgovini. Ni pomembno, da je scenarij katere koli slovenske limonade popolnoma zgrešen in ni pomembno, da ima film enako rdečo nit kot jo je imelo na desetine drugih filmov. Smeh je sredstvo ob katerem skrbi izginejo, pa četudi izginejo le začasno. Čas brez skrbi za nekatere pomeni veliko več kot pa le izkazovanje znanja in pridobivanje snobovske izobrazbe. Pod kožo smo vsi krvavi in tudi najbolj izobražen človek na čase pogleda najbolj neumno tv oddajo kar jih je bilo posnetih v zgodovini televizije. Seveda pa se mi zdi logika plačevanja televizije popolnoma mimo. Kot je že avtor one kolumne izjavil, je plačevanje prispevka RTV Sloveniji, popolnoma nerazumljivo in žalostno. Na žalost današnje televizijske hiše ne ponujajo raznolikosti, ne ponujajo različnih žanrov in vsak film, ki je požel veliko gledanost se predvaja na leto vsaj trikrat. Oddaje, ki jih lahko spremljamo med letom se na žalost res ponavljajo med poletnimi počitnicami do onemoglosti. Tako, da trenutno znam našteti 50 različnih načinov kako umoriti nezvestega moža in zraven zaigrati žrtev. Današnja televizija ponuja tudi vse več seksa. Noben izdelek se na žalost ne prodaja več, če rdeča nit ni povezana s seksom. Vsak dan me zanima kaj imajo kosmiči in seks skupnega. Da pa o reklamah o pralnih praških in čistilih sploh ne govorim. Drage punce in ženske ali je kdaj katera izmed vas zalotila fanta ali moža, ki se je lotil pranja posode in končal v pičlih 15 minutah, ker je uporabljal neverjetno novo čistilo za ploščice in štedilnike. Mislim da ne. Naša televizija je v pičlih desetih letih postala javna hiša pa naj nam bo to všeč ali ne. Ponuja zabavo za male ljudi in dela sive lase intelektualcem. Kljub vsemu temu pa je postala droga, brez katere dandanes ne moremo preživeti.